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topics important to Alphi 

Alphi and Bella care about the whole Universe, but they have a special place in their hearts for Earth and us humans.  Topics like the night sky, the sea, and our countryside are very important, and Alphi wants to tell the new generations of humans about all the little things that they can do to make their world a nice place to live in... 

Things like, turning off lights so that you can see the beauty of Alphi's galactic world at night.  Things like not throwing rubbish, especially plastic bottles into the sea, taking care of our energy to make sure that the mountains don't over heat and lose the snow that we all love to play in........


Alphi wants all of us to be able to see him and his beautiful universe of galaxies, stars and planets, but with all the light poulltion on Earth its getter harder and harder to see properly.


Alphi likes us to enjoy the wonders of our mountains, especially skiing, and walking in the snow and ice.  With the earth warming up, our glaciers are melting.  This threatens to spoil not only our fun..     


All that plastic and rubbish in the sea.  Not very nice to swim in is it? Alphi's glad that he 'only' astrosurfs ! Learn what harm it does to the animals and plants. What can we do about it?


Let's take the 'Alphi test', and make a list of things we can do to make our sky, mountains, and sea fantastic places to enjoy.  

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Coming soon - Alphi Test